Ki Tetze 3rd Portion
8 [The rationale of the juxtaposition of the verses that follow: If you fulfill the command of sending away the mother bird, in the end, you will build a new house and fulfill the command of making a parapet, (for one command brings another in its train), and you will attain to a vineyard, and a field, and beautiful garments.] When you build a new house, make a parapet around your roof so that you may not bring the guilt of bloodshed on your house if someone falls from the roof [he deserves to fall (in terms of God’s judgment) notwithstanding which, let his falling not be occasioned by you, (merit being occasioned by the meritorious one, and liability by him who is liable)]. Bava Metzia 101b:18 GEMARA: The Sages taught in a baraita : If one rents out a house to another, the landlord bears the responsibility to install doors for it, to open windows in its walls to provide light for it, to strengthen its ceiling, and to supp...